Get Involved - Volunteer & Donation Information

Share your knowledge & experiences. Submit an article to us for the website and newsletters. Your words and your actions are inspiring! Take the time to help someone else by sharing your experience. Your words might help someone realize they're not alone, someone else has the same crazy tic they do or that someone else feels the same way - shared experiences not only touch people it may also change their life!


Donate to TSA-IL in the honor of a loved one with Tourette's Syndrome! Mail your donation to:
106 N. Main Street
Wauconda, IL 60084

or donate via Paypal by utilizing the Donate button on any page of this website.

In addition to monetary donations, we are always on the lookout for item donations for our Silent Auction at our Annual Golf Outing or items for our Annual Picnic as prizes.



Marketing / Event Coordinator

There is an immediate opportunity for a Marketing Event Coordinator to dive into a potentially large publicity event. Prefer someone with knowledge of PSA's, Commercials, Print Media, Brand Imaging, Press Releases, and other marketing materials. Should be able to work independently and with a team under the authority of the TSA-IL Board of Directors and client. This is a potentially enormous opportunity to further the vision and exposure of TSA-IL throughout the state and be involved in a dynamic project.


Volunteer Coordinator

Looking for a bubbly person to work with volunteers and cultivate volunteers for many TSA-IL events and projects. Past experience preferred.


Are you good with numbers?

Looking for someone to assist with financials and non-profit reporting. Great opportunity that could lead to a Board of Directors position.


We are always looking for individuals to share their talents with us! We are in need of volunteers for:

  • Committees
  • Annual Picnic
  • Summer Events
  • Adult Outings
  • Medical Treatment
  • Community Group Leaders
  • In-Service School Presenters
  • Fundraising
  • Grant Writing
  • Research
  • Public relations
  • or any other talent or time you can share
  • If you are interested in volunteering, complete an application or contact Lisa at [email protected] with any questions! Don't take a back seat - get involved!